Check Out These Fantastic Iphone Tricks That Are Really Simple
Are you thinking about purchasing an iphone but aren't familiar with how smart phones operate? Are you stuck in the past not up to date with all the new technology? Well, if that's the case then read on to learn about some nifty little tips and tricks that are so simple anyone can use when they get an iphone.
Save time while texting on your iPhone by tapping the space bar twice. This quick shortcut will automatically end your sentence with a period, then start a new sentence. The first letter of the new sentence will be automatically capitalized. This trick it perfect for long texts and anyone on the go.
Always make sure that you set a password. This is very important for your iPhone so that no one can break into your personal information and you can be as safe as possible. You are allowed to use four digits to create your password and always make sure to use something that you will remember.

Download and sign up with the Find My iPhone app. This invaluable application can help you locate your iPhone in the event that it is lost or stolen. This app not only allows you to display a message on the screen or cause the phone to ring extra-loud, but it allows you to wipe data or lock your phone from a remote location.
This is the world of applications, and soon phones will be replacing laptop computers. If you haven't already taken a dive into iphones and applications, you need to do it now. iphones lead the market, and the applications available can handle much of your business that you need to take care of on a daily basis.
You can use your iphone to store all sorts of files. The only way to do this, however, is to purchase the iphone drive app, but once you do you can store almost anything on your phone. This enables your phone to function almost completely as a mini portable computer.
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Are there websites you visit a lot from your phone? Do you ever wish you had a little icon for them on the home screen? Well, if you have, open the webpage in Safari and click on the Go To icon at the top of the screen. You can then select to add it to your home screen.
Do you need to look up a restaurant or a doctor's office number? Open Safari and do a local search. Safari should recognize phone numbers and allow you to tap on them. If you do so, your iPhone will dial the number. This also works for numbers sent via emails.
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If you are not using your iPhone, set it to go to sleep. The sleep function helps to conserve battery life and it can keep you from having to charge your phone as often. You can still receive phone calls and even text messages, so you will never miss something important by allowing your phone to sleep.
If you get your iPhone wet, don't try to turn it on right away. Dry off the exterior of the phone and leave it out overnight before trying to turn it back on. If you turn on the phone while it's wet, you can permanently destroy it by short circuiting it.
You might want to buy an app aimed at managing your battery usage. These apps will tell you how you can get more from your battery. Calibration comes often, but with due reminders; which will help you save quite a bit on your battery's life.
If you're sending messages to friends who don't use iPhones themselves, remember that longer messages will get broken into 160-character texts. You can keep an eye on your messages' length by adding a character counter to Message. Just open the Settings menu and go to "character count" under "messages." With the counter enabled, you'll never have to worry about a message getting broken at an unfortunate point again!
With an iPhone, you can easily take screenshots whenever you want to. You just have to press the power and home buttons at the same time. You will end up with a shot of your phone's present display that will be sent to your Images application.
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Create your own ringtones for a truly personalized phone. The Ringtone Maker app is free of charge to use. You can make ringtones from you favorite clips of songs. Doing so is possible within seconds, and you can choose tunes appropriate to each person or number you assign each ringtone to.
The iPhone makes it so easy to send messages that you might be tempted to invest a little effort into formatting. Fortunately, a little effort is all it takes. Like many of the other keys on the on-screen keyboard, the punctuation keys will give you a lot of great options (like straight or curly quotation marks) if you press and hold them.
Stream your favorite movies and games through your iphone now. Iphones now hold contracts with the premier streaming companies, so you can watch Netflix and Hulu right on your iphone. This is a great feature to have if you are sitting in the back of a vehicle on a long road trip, or a have a long bus ride ahead of you.
If you are using a Bluetooth device with your iPhone, turn it off unless you are using it. You will have to go into the settings on your phone to do this. A Bluetooth connection that is constantly on can drain your battery fast, and it might leave you stuck without a useful device if you do not happen to be near a charger when your battery dies.
Having an iphone for the first time can be very confusing if you aren't use to these types of new phones. That is what's great about articles like these because they show you lots of nifty little tricks that are simple and will get all technology novices up to speed with this latest gadget.
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Before purchasing a product online, find out more about shipping. If you do not find any information about shipping costs, contact the seller to find out if there are additional charges for shipping. If there are several shipping options, choose an affordable and reliable option to make sure you receive your product quickly.
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Remember to consider not only the item's actual cost, but also how much will be charged for shipping. An item may cost a few dollars more at one site, but if they offer free shipping, it might end up being less expensive overall. If shipping prices aren't listed up front, you can check on them by beginning the checkout process. The shipping cost will be shown before the order is complete.
If you shop with particular online dealers, try planning your purchases around the times when they offer free shipping, if they have it. Shipping is a major cost when it comes to online shopping, and sometimes that can make a cheaper order much more expensive. Getting free shipping on your items can save you a lot of money, which you can use for other items, so you should take advantage of it when it's offered.
With the popularity and availability of the Internet, the time to learn to shop online is now. You can get great deals and have great selection which is why it's better to shop online than to just go to a regular store. Make use of these excellent tips, and you can enjoy an incredible online-shopping experience and save a lot of money.
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